**Disclaimer- Blogging is hard work, and it ain’t free. A girl’s gotta make some coin somewhere, so this post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click through and purchase, I will receive compensation. You should know by now that I’m not interested in blowing smoke up your @$$- I say what I mean and mean what I say, no apologies, ZFG! See FULL disclosure statement HERE**
Ok, let’s review. Look at that blurb at the top. I’m serious. LOOK.
Here’s the deal:
I linky, you clicky, I makey a little money.
Not enough for a vacation in the Keys, but hey….

I have been wanting to try Butcher Box for a really long time so when I got the email that they’d be sending me a box, I totally happy danced all around the house! Ask Sean, he saw it and probably rolled his eyes in amazement that I would be THAT excited about a box of meat….I hear y’all snickering
I’d never done an “unboxing” video before, and admittedly, it was a mess, but hey, I tried~ go take a look and have a laugh at my expense HERE
Anywho, enough blabbering, let’s get to the meat of this post (ba dum tssss)
I’ve never EVER cooked a filet at home because quite honestly they’re not cheap and they tend to be fairly lean so I was TERRIFIED of screwing it up. Well, there was absolutely NO way I was going to let these sit in my freezer forever so I decided to take a stab at it.
I looked up basic cooking instructions and got to work.
I thawed both medallions in tepid water and let them rest at room temperature while I got everything else ready.
Preheat the oven to 450 deg f

On a large sheet pan, spread out a single layer of broccoli florets, sprayed with olive oil, dusted with grated Parmesan and slide into the oven.
Slice up some zucchini and get them started on the flat top on a medium-ish heat.
Heat olive oil in a cast iron skillet on high heat until it’s SCREAMING hot
Wrap each filet with a slice of bacon and sear on each side for 1 minute.
Don’t wiggle it
Don’t move it around the pan
Just leave it alone.
This ONE minute will feel longer than a microwave minute, and infinitely longer than a treadmill minute
But I must insist
After 1 minute, turn over and repeat
Listen to this glorious sound….If there is a heaven, I’m sure it sounds like THIS!
Take the skillet from the stovetop and place into the pre-heated, broccoli filled oven for about 7 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes or so.
This might be the most important step of the entire process. By allowing the meat to rest -WITHOUT stabbing it or cutting into it to check the doneness, you’re allowing the juices to redistribute throughout the cut of meat.
Just trust me on this. Your patience will be well rewarded!

The ONLY problem I had with this meal is that I only got ONE filet for myself.
I probably could have eaten two and been quite content! All the more reason to place another order!
Due to the enormous popularity of the Butcher Box National Keto Day promotion, they’ve extended the deal through 1/16
New members receive the Keto Bundle that includes 2 lbs of wild-caught salmon, a 4 lb pork butt and one 10 oz pack of bacon for FREE in their first box!
Butcher Box is a meat subscription box that offers thoughtfully sourced meat free of antibiotics and hormones to your door for less than $6 per meal with FREE shipping! Choose from curated mixes of high quality grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, and heritage-bred pork, or create your own custom Butcher Box!