Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

It’s that time of year again. To reminisce about the past 364 days and boldly proclaim your intentions for the next 365! After all, it’s the thing to do! So here we are 😉

I have abandoned the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions in part because I actually hate doing what “everyone else is doing” but mostly because I have learned that life has a funny way of happening in ways that completely upset your plans. I’m learning that taking each day as it comes and doing my best each and every day is much less overwhelming, and much more doable for me. Don’t get me wrong, having goals and dreams isn’t a bad thing, it’s just that I’m learning what works for me.

The end of 2018 could never have adequately prepared me for the reality of 2019.
I had been accepted into the Occupational Therapy Assistant program and I was determined to make 2019 a year of personal growth and achievements. I’d decided to abandon FEAR, COMPARISON, INSECURITY, PERFECTIONISM, and the EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS. I had no idea how those ideals would be tested.

I started 2019 believing that my path was clear and that I would work methodically through the plan, and life would be normal, but alas, April 22 changed my year, my plans and my life.

I’d spent the better part of May and June by Sean’s side while he was in the hospital. There were moments when his senior medical team tried to prepare us for the worst, but I refused to believe he’d do anything but recover fully. He became known throughout the hospital as the “Miracle Man” and that was no exaggeration!

We decided that life was in fact, too short to spend any more time apart. So we found a house and P and I moved to Austin!
It has been a huge adjustment for all of us, but one that I would gladly do all over again.

Sitting here on a chilly gray first day of 2020 I can’t help but be excited for what the future holds.

I cannot change the past, I can only look forward and do my best to make the most of each and every day. And while life has caused me to make some dramatic changes, I can’t help but feel I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

So 2020 what DO you have in store for me? Truthfully, I have no stinkin’ idea, but I’m ready!

There you have it, no lofty mileage goals, no weight loss goals, no clean eating declarations. Just a promise to myself and my family to try to do the absolute best I can for myself and my family!