Time Flies, Memories and Gratitude

May Favorites: It's Gonna Be May - Constantine's Confections | It's gonna be may, Roses are red memes, Roses are red funny

I can’t believe it’s almost May. This year is flying by! Before you know it, it’ll be summer break and then poof, it’ll be Christmastime again!

It’s been an absolute whirlwind since my last post in January. We’ve had birthdays, a new administration, a crippling snowpocolypse in Texas, Operation Valor events, OCRs and weddings. Not to mention the daily excitement of in person learning, virtual learning for the kids, changing and starting a new degree myself, and trying to maintain a healthy work life balance while working from home. It’s been kinda crazy but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I think about sitting here to share my thoughts so often, but something always seems to pull me in another direction. In fact, I started writing this post on Monday and it’s now Wednesday and past my bedtime and I’ve completely forgotten what I’d initially intended with this post!

Maybe that’s just life’s way of keeping me on my toes, keep me searching my mind for what I want to share? So I’ll share what’s been on my mind today

April is a month of emotions for me. It’s been nearly 2 years since we almost lost Sean. I thank God daily for giving him back to us. There are times when April and May 2019 seem so long ago, and then there are times when it seems like just yesterday. Seeing all of the memories pop up on Facebook and Timehop keep the memories fresh and remind me of just how fragile life is. It is also a reminder of how much love I have in my life. So many people took the time in the last few days to send messages and post comments, it warms my heart that after two years, THEY haven’t forgotten how hard those days and weeks were. My heart is so full knowing that we truly are loved by our friends and extended families. Y’all helped me keep going then, and y’all keep me going now. Thank you for loving us!





The Weekly Chase 10 January 2021

Hello 2021!

2020 was a year of change wasn’t it?!

So many things happened that it’s hard to figure out where to start. Lots of life happened and eventually I’ll get around to writing about all of it, but for now I need to focus on getting back to ME.

Shortly after the wedding in March, COVID hit and while it was (and still is) a scary thing, it gave me a gift I’d been praying for for a really long time. It gave me the opportunity to work from home so I could be there for my family when they needed me.
Everyone in the house got COVID, workouts were long forgotten, eating habits deteriorated and I have since put on a lot of weight.


  • Covid
  • Knee injury
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Virtual learning
  • My own school
  • Sinus Surgery
  • Winter SAD
  • Missing my kids

that’s what they are…EXCUSES

I stopped taking care of myself in the name of ‘taking care of everything else’ and honestly, it’s bullshit and it needs to stop.
So we’re going back to basics.

Here’s the plan:

    • This is something I’ve been really struggling with since realizing I’ve put on weight.
      • Shower, facemask, spa treatment, paint my toenails….anything that says “I love ME”
      • Read a book for fun
      • BLOG

That’s were we are. Pics and measurements will be updated Monday 1/11/21 and we’ll go from there.

Please tell me I’m not alone in the struggle to reclaim myself this year.
Drop a comment with something you’re doing to improve yourself this year. I need the encouragement y’all!


Much love,


F&$k the 4am Club

If you’re easily offended, please stop reading now





I recently had another mind blowing epiphany when it comes to my personal fitness journey and it rocked my world!

When I started out on this path I committed to becoming a better me. Every day try to be a little bit better than I was yesterday. Level up my life. For a long time, I was quite successful, I quit smoking, I started eating better, I registered for and ran my first marathon and was up at the ass crack of dawn to get my run in. All was great in the world. 4 am was my happy place, it was my ME time.

And then, it wasn’t.

Lots of life started happening…all at once.

Looking back over the last few years, lots of my “goals” included “get up at 4 and run.” Many, MANY mornings I just couldn’t do it. Between stress, depression and exhaustion, I could barely get myself out of bed to get to work on time. Every morning that I didn’t run added to my feelings of guilt and shame. I beat myself up constantly. I felt like a failure. Seeing morning “motivational” posts on social media created resentment toward myself. What is wrong with me? I must be LAZY? I am a FAILURE. I’ll never accomplish my fitness goals because I’m not motivated enough. My willpower must be lacking. I’m broken. I was frustrated with myself and becoming increasingly frustrated with the world around me. I tried all the tricks to force myself to be a morning person and I failed miserably.

I was celebrating small successes in other areas of my life; I earned my Associate Degree, made the President’s list, moved into a new apartment, but I was still struggling with my fitness and my feelings of self-worth. Every early morning workout missed deepened my self-loathing. I felt worthless. I started to seriously contemplate giving up on racing altogether. That thought broke my heart. Races gave me additional family, support, love and encouragement. I honestly felt like I was failing my running family too. I wasn’t becoming better every day, I was drowning.

I didn’t really talk about this with anyone. I’m supposed to be the encourager, everyone’s cheerleader. Why couldn’t I do the same for myself? I just let these feelings of inadequacy fester. It was a vicious cycle and I couldn’t escape it. Every morning I’d see this shit:

Image result for sleep with your dreams

It was a deafening noise that perpetuated negativity and hatred toward what I couldn’t force my body to do with any kind of consistency. The more of this I saw, the more I hated what I couldn’t make myself do.

Image result for workout early morning quotes



After literally YEARS of beating myself up for not fitting into this fit life box and this ideal of what fitness is SUPPOSED to look like, it hit me.

Image result for hit me like a ton of bricks


Fuck this motivational bullshit that breeds feelings of inferiority and inadequacy if you don’t conform to the InstaFit ideals.

Because you know what?!?!

NO, it’s not fucking easier to get up in the morning…for ME.

Mornings are NOT where I thrive.

Getting up at zero dark thirty is NOT my happy place anymore.

When something isn’t working for you, stop trying to force it. Look at WHY it isn’t working. Find the reason and fix THAT. Stop trying to fix YOU, you’re not broken.

The moment I gave myself permission to tell the 4 am club in my head to fuck off, was the exact moment that my passion for running, my desire to run, my LOVE of running came flooding back into my soul. When I stopped making 4 am an unattainable goal and allowed myself to do what works best for me instead of what social media says works best, running became a JOY again.

I no longer feel ‘behind’ on my training, I no longer feel like a failure. I no longer feel like a disappointment.

I did have a good laugh at myself though…WHY did it take me so long to figure this out?!?! 

Image result for duh

I’m now running in the afternoons after work and before I picked up the little one. And you know what? I love it again. I let all that negative shit go. I run the stress of the day away, I run to clear my head and ready myself for the evening. I run because I want to, not because I’m supposed to and it feels AMAZING!

If you’re one of those folks who pop out of bed every morning with a smile, ready to tackle the world, that’s GREAT!

If you are a hardcore gym rat that thrives on the 4 am scene, that’s AWESOME!

If getting your workout in while the rest of the world sleeps helps you conquer your day, that’s FANTASTIC!

If you are one of those people, you’re AMAZING! I applaud you and you should totally be proud of your dedication.


If you’re NOT one of those people…


If you’ve been struggling like I was, maybe it’s time for you to tell the 4 am club to fuck off too!Find what works for you and RUN with it 😉

June 17, 2020

Just checking to see if this even works anymore!!! It’s getting to be about that time where I pick myself up, dust myself off and once again try to get my shit together!!! Whatcha think?!


Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

It’s that time of year again. To reminisce about the past 364 days and boldly proclaim your intentions for the next 365! After all, it’s the thing to do! So here we are 😉

I have abandoned the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions in part because I actually hate doing what “everyone else is doing” but mostly because I have learned that life has a funny way of happening in ways that completely upset your plans. I’m learning that taking each day as it comes and doing my best each and every day is much less overwhelming, and much more doable for me. Don’t get me wrong, having goals and dreams isn’t a bad thing, it’s just that I’m learning what works for me.

The end of 2018 could never have adequately prepared me for the reality of 2019.
I had been accepted into the Occupational Therapy Assistant program and I was determined to make 2019 a year of personal growth and achievements. I’d decided to abandon FEAR, COMPARISON, INSECURITY, PERFECTIONISM, and the EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS. I had no idea how those ideals would be tested.

I started 2019 believing that my path was clear and that I would work methodically through the plan, and life would be normal, but alas, April 22 changed my year, my plans and my life.

I’d spent the better part of May and June by Sean’s side while he was in the hospital. There were moments when his senior medical team tried to prepare us for the worst, but I refused to believe he’d do anything but recover fully. He became known throughout the hospital as the “Miracle Man” and that was no exaggeration!

We decided that life was in fact, too short to spend any more time apart. So we found a house and P and I moved to Austin!
It has been a huge adjustment for all of us, but one that I would gladly do all over again.

Sitting here on a chilly gray first day of 2020 I can’t help but be excited for what the future holds.

I cannot change the past, I can only look forward and do my best to make the most of each and every day. And while life has caused me to make some dramatic changes, I can’t help but feel I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

So 2020 what DO you have in store for me? Truthfully, I have no stinkin’ idea, but I’m ready!

There you have it, no lofty mileage goals, no weight loss goals, no clean eating declarations. Just a promise to myself and my family to try to do the absolute best I can for myself and my family!

Gym Etiquette- Don’t be THAT guy!

We all know there are certain things you do at the gym because well….you’re supposed to- Wipe down your equipment, put your weights back in the rack properly, don’t sit on equipment if you’re not using it (aka 10 sets of 20 selfies with a lift or 2 sprinkled in for “pump factor”)

But would you EVER approach someone who is clearly ACTIVELY using a piece of equipment and tell them that they needed to move so you could use it? Would you walk up to someone in the middle of a lift and demand they hand over the bar? Ludicrous right?!?!  Well, that is exactly what happened today when I took my 2 youngest to the gym tonight.

Let me set the stage for you.  There are two gym facilities, one in the leasing office with all kinds of brand new fancy equipment and one closer to my apartment that houses the older not as pretty equipment. This gym is usually empty and even though the 3 treadmills kind of suck- no pause feature and no instructions or programmable workouts- it’s ok because when we go we generally have the entire gym to ourselves and I can put TV on for the kids to distract them enough to get my run in. **IF** the gym is empty I let them use the different machines because they’re showing an interest in fitness and not getting in anyone’s way. That being said, my kids know that if they’re just ‘playing’ and someone comes in to workout, they are to be respectful and allow the person to use the machines or equipment they need. In fact last week I was complimented on their excellent behavior in the gym when a young woman came in to workout in the weights section. My 2 littles were in the area and IMMEDIATELY moved out of that section so she could complete her workout without them being in the way. Proud mom!

They gym was absolutely empty when we arrived so we put Spongebob or something on the TV and I got started on my run. My son hopped on the treadmill next to me and started a series of sprint drills. Little P was alternating between walking on the treadmill next to brother and the elliptical next to me.

It was a beautiful picture! My heart was so happy to be sharing this with my children.

I could see a middle aged or older couple coming toward the gym. As they entered the facility, and began walking past us, little P stepped off the treadmill to get a drink. As she was walking back to the treadmill she was using the woman stepped in front of her and got on the treadmill. That was the beginning of my annoyance. Little P didn’t seem affected and she turned and walked over to me and started on the elliptical so I didn’t say anything.

Then it happened.

The man said LOUDLY while pointing to Little J,

“Hey, ya think can he get off of that?”

I said, “No, he’s not getting off. He’s using it.”

What the man said to me next nearly caused me to come completely unhinged. That arrogant jackass says, “well he’s not really doing anything so he needs to get off.”

I yanked the emergency stop on my treadmill and looked that asshat square in the eye and said, “My son is NOT getting off. He’s working out with his mother. He has just as much right to use it as anyone else.”

I was in absolute shock that this man would think that it was ok to act as if my son had no right to be in that gym. There are NO rules against children using equipment under parental supervision. And it’s not like they were playing around or acting disrespectful in any way.

The man grunted and grumbled and got on another elliptical. I could see him in the reflection of the windows giving me dirty looks.

The female that he was with proceeded to shout across us periodically that she was almost done and he could use ‘her’ treadmill, and he didn’t hesitate to make it clear to the now semi occupied gym that, “Oh no, it’s ok, he wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone by making them move.”

Immature. Grow up you elitist old fart.

I know my response could have been better. More mature. I was just so blown away that this man would have the nerve to say that.

What would you have done? How do you think I could have handled the situation better?

Mondays are HARD Y’all

I’m sitting here fighting back tears. Mondays are hard, and they’re not just hard for us grownups. they’re hard for our littles too.

Today was the first day back to school after an entire week off for Thanksgiving. Pey got herself up and ready at 4:45 this morning without so much as nudge from me! In fact, she was damn near ready to walk out the door before I even crawled out of my bed. She was ready to see her friends and ride her new scooter to school. She did great at that btw! I DID follow her to school just to make sure because I’m still THAT mom and I’m really struggling to let her go.

She was a tuckered out mess when she got home, I could see it in her face although she fiercely denied it. She was just “hungry.” Yeah…..Ok, Pey! Get a snack and let’s get started on your after school routine. I checked on her a few times and she was working hard, then it got quiet.

I just didn’t have the heart to wake her.

After a while she creeped out of her room. I guess that pork chop smelled too divine to miss! HA!

Now that she was awake and fed, it was time to get her homework done and study for a test coming up this week. Well that’s where the effing wheels came off. We had an epic meltdown about the homework, then once I thought we’d gotten through THAT, we had another meltdown because it was bedtime. I hadn’t considered that she’d taken a decent nap, so we negotiated a later bed time on the condition that she read a book for 15 minutes first. THEN she could have a bit of free time before bed.

She was putzing around about getting her book, so I looked at the clock and said, “Ok, now you need to read until 9:21 because you’ve been standing there NOT getting started.”
That was followed with a huff, an eyeroll and some stomping feet toward the bedroom. 5 years ago Amanda would have lost her shit and possibly dealt her a healthy ass whoopin. But I didn’t. deep breath Amanda..deep breath…

Cue another, even MORE dramatic meltdown, complete with whining, alligator tears, “I’m sorry”s and “I’m not tired”s.

We had a nice little talk about what “tired” looks like and how “actions, not words” are how we judge people. And she was sent off to bed still mad at me with tears in her eyes and a scrunchy up nose. Nobody likes consequences for attitude 🙁

Mondays are hard on us all sometimes. Parenting is hard.
I don’t know if I’m doing this right, but I know I’m doing the best I can.

Mondays are hard, and sometimes it’s best to put yourself to bed even when you don’t think you’re tired and be thankful that you’ve been given the hard days, so that when the good days are here, we enjoy every moment of them <3

Noom – Building Lifelong Healthy Habits TOGETHER

~This post contains affiliate links. All opinions expressed are my own. If you choose to purchase through these links, I will receive compensation~

If you follow me on the ‘gram you may have seen a post I made last night regarding Noom. At that time I had not yet become an affiliate, however after that post, as I continued through the quiz, I decided that this is a platform worth exploring.

Noom is different than other “weight loss” programs in that the focus is on creating healthy habits and eliminating the ones that don’t serve you and NOT solely on weight loss. Weight loss will be a natural byproduct of your newly established habits though, so #WINNING.

Today (Monday, November 25, 2019) is my first day using the program, so I can’t tell you if it works for me or not, but I CAN tell you how different it is than any other program you’ve tried and that I’m all in!

Ok, Amanda, HOW is NOOM different?

Most other programs want to sell you on the quick fix. An unsustainable approach that you eventually abandon because you never really addressed any of the issues that got you here in the first place.
Noom helps you learn to manage triggers and help you restore a healthy relationship with food AND yourself.

When you decide to embark on your Noom journey, it’s not a zero sum situation. Your “success” is not dependent of the failure of others. There are no winners and losers, just winners. You win when you choose to make your health goals a lifestyle and not just a quick fix.
Noom won’t do the work for you, but it WILL help you make the better choices for long term results!

Ready to check it out? Start HERE with a quick quiz!

Whatever path you choose, please know that you are worthy, you are loved, and you make the world a better place just by being you!!!

Let’s Get Checked part 1

~This post contains affiliate links. All opinions expressed are my own. I received a complimentary test kit to facilitate a review~

You may have seen this post already on my Facebook and Instagram page but I’m posting it here as well as part of my continuing efforts to get a handle on my health. Thanks for reading 🙂

I’m tired y’all. CONSTANTLY tired. Sometimes getting out of bed in the morning is a monumental task. There are days where all I can do is the bare minimum. I suffer with bouts of depression and inexplicable sadness and I have days where I feel completely normal and functional. I lose so much hair in the shower that I’ve often mistaken the glob of hair for a critter! I’ve had routine blood work done and all of the results were in the “normal” range.

So what the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!

There’s got to be an explanation!

When I received an email from LetsGetChecked I was hesitant but after I looked at their website I decided it was worth a shot.

I talked with the folks at LetsGetChecked and we decided that due to my symptoms a Thyroid test may be just what I need to start figuring things out!

Did you know that your thyroid is responsible for producing, storing and releasing triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Those thyroid hormones control your metabolic rate, mood and energy levels, cholesterol levels, nervous system, heart rate, body temp, digestive function, muscle control, brain development, and hair growth.

When those hormones are out of whack it can lead to a whole host of issues ranging from annoying to downright dangerous!

Hopefully with the help of LetsGetChecked I’ll get some answers.

The kit arrives with everything you need to collect and return a sterile blood sample for testing. It was super easy to follow the instructions and literally took less than 5 minutes start to finish. The ONLY thing that took any kind of time was driving my sample to the UPS store!

After the lab processes the sample you can view the results on a secure website where you can then take that information to your health care provider to discuss your next steps.

I am eager to see what my results show and beginning this deep dive into my health.

You can click HERE and use the code: mommygorun for a 20% discount.

For those of you that have had any of these symptoms, what steps did you take to address them?

Lots of “Last”

My sweet friend posted a picture on Facebook today that really made my heart stop right in its tracks. 5 years ago my son, the 3rd born, had his very last Turkey Day lunch at his elementary school. Five long years ago that seem like just freaking yesterday!

Today I had the first Turkey day lunch with my youngest at her new school and as I watched her laughing and being silly with new friends it occurred to me….this is the LAST elementary Thanksgiving celebration I will ever have with my littles. Somehow I managed not to cry until I got home and started writing this!

Life is just moving so quickly and they are all growing up so fast! There are so many lasts, but I keep reminding myself that without these lasts, there could be no more firsts! And the firsts are just as wonderful and worthy of celebration.

I just want time to stand still for just a few more minutes so I can soak it all in.