Lots of “Last”

My sweet friend posted a picture on Facebook today that really made my heart stop right in its tracks. 5 years ago my son, the 3rd born, had his very last Turkey Day lunch at his elementary school. Five long years ago that seem like just freaking yesterday!

Today I had the first Turkey day lunch with my youngest at her new school and as I watched her laughing and being silly with new friends it occurred to me….this is the LAST elementary Thanksgiving celebration I will ever have with my littles. Somehow I managed not to cry until I got home and started writing this!

Life is just moving so quickly and they are all growing up so fast! There are so many lasts, but I keep reminding myself that without these lasts, there could be no more firsts! And the firsts are just as wonderful and worthy of celebration.

I just want time to stand still for just a few more minutes so I can soak it all in.